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What Is Design Build?

Traditional project delivery vs Design Build project delivery Blog

Design-build is an efficient method of project delivery as one entity, where there is a single contract with the owner/property manager and the contractor. The design build contractor provides the services of designing the project and then building the project. Design-build is one of the fast-growing methods of project delivery in the United States. Design-build has been used successfully in a variety of projects in various industry such as retail, restaurants, residential, commercial, and industrial. It is a much better method than the alternative traditional method.

Traditional Project Delivery

In the traditional project approach, there are two contracts. The owner must hire a designer and a contractor. Traditional Project Delivery requires the designer and the contractor to communicate with each other throughout the project. This approach would often create problems between the contractor and designer, due to miscommunication, unforeseen situations that require change orders. For example, having both a designer and contractor will create a lack of accountability for issues or concerns brought to attention during the project. The designer and contractor my argue over schedule changes and expenses. Ultimately, this project may lead to a delayed or termination of the project.

Design-Build Project Delivery

Design build offers owners/property managers a smoother process, which saves time and money. The owner/property manager must manage one contract and oversee one entity. The construction company will provide the design and build of the project, from start to finish. This method offers a more unified approach to the project, versus the traditional approach. Communication is more apparent and efficient with an integrated team. Increased collaboration enables the team to more effectively problem solve and innovate ideas. Better communication means a faster project with less errors or confusion. Thus, saving cost, which is passed on to the owner/property manager in the original bid. There is more accountability, due to the construction company baring the entire responsibility of the project.

The Advantages of Design-Build For Owners/Property Managers

  • One contract – owners/managers only need to oversee one entity.
  • Cost efficient – less errors or confusion and quicker communication
  • Better quality craftmanship – better project results.
  • More accountability – only one entity will be held accountable for the project’s success and outcome.
  • Time saving – owners/managers only need to communicate with one entity, giving them time to focus on their business.
  • Faster Project Delivery – one integrated team plans, problem solves, designs and builds.

Design Build Summary

When comparing the design-build process to the traditional process, design build is better. This process makes the construction process a more hassle-free experience. It makes the project more simple, easier, faster, and cheaper. It can be used for most projects such as remodeling, renovation, and tenant improvements. It can be done amongst various industries. On your next project, talk to your contractor about design-build.

Partner With JMF Commercial Construction

JMF Commercial Construction is an experienced licensed contractor serving commercial and light industrial businesses, and HOA Property Management. We provide convenient and quality services to the Los Angeles & Orange County businesses.

To start your next commercial construction project today! Contact JMF Commercial Construction for an Estimate.

Email us at [email protected] or call us at (562)572-8354.


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